Minutes November 14, 2023
Public Hearing
The Winterville City Council held the second of two (2) additional Public Hearings Tuesday November 14, 2023 6:00 pm in Winterville City Hall; to receive public input regarding the Proposed City of Winterville Budget for the year 2024. Documents were available for review at City Hall or on the City’s website: www.cityofwinterville.com. Those wishing to address Mayor and City Council were required to sign up on a form provided by the city prior to the commencement of the hearing.
Mayor Ferrelle called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
No public signed up to speak regarding the 2024 Budget.
Mayor Ferrelle closed the public hearing at 6:03 pm.
Minutes of City Council November 14, 2023
The Mayor and City Council held the regular City Council meeting on Tuesday November 14, 2023 at 6:00 pm at Winterville City Hall. Mayor Ferrelle called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm. Also present were. Melissa Metzger, Amanda Mooney, Municipal City Clerk Wendy Bond and City Attorney David Ellison. Councilperson Bruce Johnson attended via Zoom.
City Attorney David Ellison swore in Tina Mills as the newest member elected to City Council.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Approval of Minutes:
Councilperson Metzger moved to approve the minutes of August 8, 2023, September 12, 2023, October 10, 2023 and October 17, 2023. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Mooney and approved unanimously.
Unfinished Business:
The First Item of Unfinished Business. B and B Tax Ordinance. Councilperson Metzger moved to adopt the Hotel/Motel Tax Ordinance as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Mooney and approved unanimously.
New Business:
The First Item of New Business. 2024 Budget Adoption. Councilperson Johnson moved to adopt the fiscal year 2024 Budget. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Metzger and approved unanimously.
The Second Item of New Business. Sunday Alcohol Sales Ordinance. Councilperson Metzger moved to adopt the Sunday Alcohol Sales ordinance and forward to the Athens-Clarke County Board of Elections to have put on the county-wide ballot in May 2024 as a referendum. The motion was seconded by Member Mooney and approved unanimously.
The Third Item of New Business. Pickleball Association of Athens. Councilperson Johnson moved to table this item to the December meeting for further discussion. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Mooney and tabled unanimously.
The Fourth Item of New Business. Cultural Center Project lighting. Councilperson Metzger moved to table the lighting equipment, installation, and funding item until the December meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Mooney and tabled unanimously.
Tom Doonan reported an issue that has arisen of the elevator shaft. There may be a need for a called meeting in the near future to discuss options.
The Fifth Item of New Business. Library Repairs. Councilperson Mooney moved to approve up to $10,000 or (10%) of the cost of repairs to be completed at the library. The main library (state) will cover the other ninety percent (90%). The motion was seconded by Councilperson Metzger and approved unanimously.
The Sixth Item of New Business. Pittard Park Playground. No action taken. December item.
The Seventh Item of New Business. Courtroom Security. No action taken. December item.
The Eighth Item of New Business. P&Z Code update. No action taken.
Committee Reports:
Public Finance – Clerk Bond provided financial statements through October 31, 2023. The statements are available for review by the public by request.
Fire Department – Chief Michael Gabriel submitted a call report.
Public Works – Tom Doonan gave an update on the Cultural Center project.
Communications Committee – No report.
Winterville Cultural Center – Jack Eisenman had no additional report.
Dr. Museum Report – Jonathan Scott gave a verbal report.
Marigold Market – Sarah Hovater submitted a written report on the Marigold Market and the Food Hub.
Library Report – Deirdre Murray gave a verbal report.
Clerk’s Report – Wendy Bond gave a verbal report.
City Attorney’s Report – No report.
Mayor’s Report – Mayor Ferrelle gave a brief report. “The Golf Story about Pop.”
Firefly Local Action Committee – No report.
Public Comment – None.
Mayor Ferrelle closed the meeting at 6:55 pm.