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Minutes from July 11, 2023 Public Hearing and City Council Meeting

Public Hearing Minutes

July 3, 2023 Public Hearing #1 5:00 pm

July 11, 2023 Public Hearing #2 11:00 am

July 11, 2023 Public Hearing #3 6:00 pm

The City of Winterville announced its intention to increase the property taxes it will levy this

year by 17.89 percent. Each year, the board of tax assessors is required to review the assessed value for property tax purposes of taxable property in the city. When the trend of prices on properties that have recently sold in the city indicate there has been an increase in the fair market value of any specific property, the board of tax assessors is required by law to re-determine the value of such property and increase the assessment. This is called a reassessment.

When the total digest of taxable property is prepared, Georgia Law requires that a rollback

millage rate must be computed that will produce the same total revenue on the current year’s new digest that last year’s millage rate would have produced had no reassessments occurred. The budget tentatively adopted by the City of Winterville requires a millage rate higher than the rollback millage rate. Therefore, before the City of Winterville may finalize the tentative budget and set a final millage rate, Georgia Law requires that three public hearings be held to allow the public an opportunity to express their opinions on this increase.

All concerned citizens were invited to the public hearings on this tax increase to be held at the following locations at the indicated times:

All public hearings will be held at the Winterville City Hall, 125 N. Church Street Winterville,


Hearing #1 – Monday, July 3, 2023 at 5:00 pm

Hearing #2 – Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 11:00 am

Hearing #3 – Tuesday July 11, 2023 at 6:00 pm

Public Hearing #1 Minutes July 3, 2023

Mayor Ferrelle opened the public hearing at 5:00 pm. Also in attendance was City Clerk Wendy Bond.

Having no public in attendance or signed up to speak Mayor Ferrelle closed the hearing at 5:05 pm.

Public Hearing #2 Minutes July 11, 2023

Mayor Ferrelle opened the public hearing at 11:00 am. Also in attendance was City Clerk Wendy Bond.

Having no public in attendance or signed up the to speak Mayor Ferrelle closed the hearing at 11:05 am.

Public Hearing #3 Minutes July 11, 2023

Mayor Ferrelle opened the public hearing at 6:00 pm. Also present were Councilpersons, Melissa Metzger, Bruce Johnson, Amanda Mooney, City Attorney, David Ellison, and Municipal City Clerk Wendy Bond. Two (2) members of the public signed up the to speak. All questions and comments were accepted and/or addressed. Mayor Ferrelle closed the hearing at 6:05 pm.

Minutes of City Council July 11, 2023

The Mayor and City Council held the regular City Council meeting on Tuesday July 11, 2023 at 6:00 pm at Winterville City Hall.

Mayor Ferrelle called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm. Also present were Councilpersons, Melissa Metzger, Bruce Johnson, Amanda Mooney, City Attorney, David Ellison, and Municipal City Clerk Wendy Bond.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Approval of Minutes:

Councilperson Metzger moved to accept the regular minutes of June 13, 2023 and the as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Mooney and the minutes were approved unanimously.

Unfinished Business:


New Business:

The First Item of New Business: 2023 Millage Rate. Councilperson Metzger moved to set the millage rate for the 2023 property taxes at 2.900. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Mooney and approved unanimously. This is the 24th year the millage rate has remained the same.

The Second Item of New Business: Playground concrete repairs. Councilperson Mooney moved to approve up to $4,100 SPLOST 2020 funds for repair of 6 concrete panels of the Pittard Park sidewalk around the playground. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Mooney and approved unanimously.

The Third Item of New Business: 2024 LMIG Project. Councilperson Johnson moved to authorize Mayor Ferrelle to apply for the 2023 LMIG Grant. It is a $28,244.48 grant with a 30% match to be received in 2024. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Metzger and approved unanimously.

Committee Reports:

Public Finance – Clerk Bond provided financial statements through June 30, 2023. The statements are available for review by the public by request.

Public Safety (Fire & Police) – Councilperson Mooney gave a verbal report.

Fire Department – Chief Michael Gabriel submitted a call report.

Public Works – Jack Eisenman gave a report. Renovations are continuing on the Community Center 2nd floor.

Communications Committee – Councilperson Mooney gave a report.

Winterville Cultural Center – Jack Eisenman gave a verbal report.

Dr. Museum Report – Jonathan Scott gave a verbal report.

Marigold Market – Sherrie Anderson gave a verbal report.

Library Report – Deirdre Murray gave a verbal report.

Clerk’s Report – No report.

City Attorney’s Report – No report.

Mayor’s Report – Mayor Ferrelle gave a brief report.

Firefly Local Action Committee – No report.

Public Comment – None.

Announcements – None.

Councilperson Johnson moved to adjourn at 6:35 p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Metzger and adjourned unanimously.


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