City Council Workshop Tentative Agenda
City of Winterville
Tuesday, July 6, 2024 6:00 pm
Winterville City Hall - 125 N Church Street
1. Business Proposal for Bank Building: Tania Marler
2. 2025 Budget Meetings (Discuss Timeline- July-September 1 hour with Finance Committee- Full day with Supervisors - 2 Hour meeting with Finance Committee - Final Draft Meeting- Post Draft in October- Vote in November/December)
3. Flock Cameras (Tabled—$7300 for 2 or $13300 for 4)
4. WPD 5 Body Cameras (Fund through GF or SPLOST)
5. Computer Purchase for Cultural Center/Gallery (Diana)
6. Auditorium Renovation-All windows glazed and painted inside and out. 5 doors
painted. All antique black. $7K SPLOST
7. Bathrooms at City Hall (Discuss)
8. Public Works/Public Safety Building Renovations (Discuss)
9. Storage Building at Cultural Center
10. Roundabout Proposal in 5 points/2026 TSPLOST Projects WA Engineering
11. Smithonia Curve at Church Street: Safety measures
12. Pittard Park Playground (Discuss)
13. WVFD/Public Safety Committee Requests
14. L.O.S.T. Options for 2027 (discuss funding a study January 2024)
15. Citizen Committee Updates (TSPLOST CAC, Friends of the FFT)
16. NEGRC Update (Retreat Summary, Housing Discussion, Blacksmith Shop)
17. Citizen Requests for the Agenda:
18. City Council Issues/Concerns for Agenda
19. Executive Session: Personnel