City Council Workshop Tentative Agenda
City of Winterville
Tuesday, December 5, 2023 6:00 pm
Winterville City Hall - 125 N Church Street
1. Koons Environmental Playground Discussion
2. Stormwater Presentation on Jan 2 workshop
3. Court Security (Discuss)
4. NEGRC Retreat Jan/Feb (Schedule)
5. Robert Hardeman Crosswalk Project
6. Blacksmith Shop Project Update
7. Cultural Center Project Update (Discuss approving additional funding)
8. Pickle Ball Partnership (Tabled last month)
9. Code Update meeting with P & Z (January 3rd at 6 p.m.)
10. Citizen Committee Updates (TSPLOST CAC, Friends of the FFT)
11. NEGRC Update (Comprehensive Plan, Blacksmith Shop)
12. Citizen Requests for the Agenda: Bike Rentals
13. City Council Issues/Concerns for Agenda