1. TSPLOST Stormwater Project Presentation on Jan 2 workshop: Derek Doster
2. Playground Update: Josh Koons
3. Civic Calendar (Discuss)
4. Committee Assignments (Discuss)
5. Mayor Pro Tempore (Discuss)
6. WPD Chief Search (Update/Discuss/Timeline)
7. WVFD Officers
8. Pickle Ball Proposal (Discuss)
9. Library Funding increase requested by ACC (Discuss)
10. Code Meeting with P & Z (Scheduled)
11. NEGRC Retreat (Scheduled)
12. L.O.S.T. Options for 2027 (discuss funding a study January 2024)
13. Citizen Committee Updates (TSPLOST CAC, Friends of the FFT)
14. NEGRC Update (Retreat)
15. Citizen Requests for the Agenda: Bike Rentals/Traffic Mirrors/Light Pole Decorations
16. City Council Issues/Concerns for Agenda