City Council Workshop Tentative Agenda
City of Winterville
Tuesday November 1, 2022 6:00 p.m.
Winterville City Hall - 125 N Church Street
To be broadcast live on the City of Winterville YouTube Channel
1. Public Hearing Budget 2023
2. 2022 Budget Amendment (Discuss for December Vote)
3. 2023 Budget Discuss for possible vote this month
4. 2021 Audit (Vote to approve)
5. Floor Coating on Auditorium Porch ($1500 SPLOST 2020)
6. NEGRC POW fee for CDBG Grant Application ($3000)
7. City Committees (Tim)
8. Marigold Collective (tabled/discuss)
9. Wellness Project/ARPA
10. Tree Commission Member:
11. GAA Tree Climbing Event
12. Comprehensive Plan Update
13. Community Center Elevator Grant Update
14. B and B Ordinance (Discuss)
15. Citizen Committee Updates (TSPLOST CAC, FFT Local Action Committee)
16. NEGRC Update (Story Mapping/ Speed Limits/ Complete Streets /Code Retreat with P&Z)
17. Citizen Requests for the Agenda:
18. City Council Issues/Concerns for Agenda
19. Executive Session: Personnel