Winterville Planning and Zoning Commission
Winterville City Hall
Winterville, GA 30683
Public Hearing & Regular Meeting
Wednesday January 4, 2023 - 5:30 PM
Members Present: David Watwood, Chairman Guests: Mrs. Pam Porter
Randy Halstead Tim Wilkes, DuSouth
Andy Dawson Matt Dipalma
Collin Field Jack Reddick, Code Enf.
Regular Meeting:
Chairman Watwood called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM.
Minutes: The minutes of December 5, 2022 were approved unanimously.
Old Business:
1) 280 Bentwood Trail. Per Chairman Watwood, the last we heard from Ms Bevins was
when she attended the 8/1/22 meeting. She said then she wanted to build a 12 x 24
carport but Watwood told her that only a 10 x 24 could be built beside her house to
maintain the 15ft off the property line. We also told her she needed to submit detailed
plans showing what she intended to build. Next thing we got was a picture of a rough
sketch on 12/22/22 showing a proposed 18 x 20 ft pole barn behind her house. Watwood
went by her house today and the pole barn is already built. Since P&Z does not grant
building permits for things already built, I have turned this over to the Code Enforcement
Officer. Maybe Jack can determine if the new pole barn is 15ft off the property line and
was built to code and inspected by ACC.
New Business:
1) Matt Dipalma – 150 Sagewood Dr – Matt wants to buy .16 acres, 17ft strip of NW
Dreesen property of the Dreesen lot next door to him. His survey is correct but the
application states that he wants to combine two parcels which is not the case. We asked
him to get surveyor to correct application and get it to Wendy.
2) Tim Wilkes RLS: Moon and Spaulding property reconfiguration. Tim is a surveyor
trying to turn three lots into two parcels. We gave him the written directions showing
what is required on combination survey prints. He plans to submit the application, new
survey plats and money to Wendy before next month’s meeting and would like to be on
the agenda next month.
3) Discussed Kim Burch joining our group. All were good with her joining and think she
would add a lot to our group.
Having no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:22 PM.
Minutes taken by Chairman Watwood.