Minutes December 12, 2024
Public Hearing #1 - Charter Amendment
The City of Winterville, acting by and through the Mayor and City Council of Winterville,
desires to amend of the Charter of the City of Winterville pursuant to its authority conferred by the Constitution and the Laws of Georgia. The purpose of this amendment is to allow the City of Winterville to grant licenses to sell distilled spirits within the City of Winterville. Therefore, the Mayor and City Council of Winterville propose that Section 25 of the Charter of the City of Winterville be amended to delete the following from Section 25 in its entirety:
The Mayor and City Council shall forever be prohibited from granting licenses or permits in any form to anyone to sell distilled spirits within the City of Winterville. The Mayor and City Council shall be authorized to grant licenses or permits to persons to sell or manufacture malt beverages or wine within the City of Winterville in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia and any rules, regulations and ordinances enacted by the City of Winterville. And to substitute the following words in lieu thereof: The Mayor and City Council shall be authorized to grant licenses or permits to persons to sell or manufacture malt beverages, wine or distilled spirits within the City of Winterville in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia and any rules, regulations and ordinances enacted by the City of Winterville.
Any portion of that Charter in conflict with this ordinance amending the Charter of the City of Winterville will be repealed upon final adoption of the amending ordinance.
Public Hearings on the ordinance amending the Charter of the City of Winterville will be held at the Mayor and City Council’s regular meetings on November 12, 2024 and December 10, 2024 which will be held at Winterville City Hall, 125 N. Church Street, Winterville, Georgia 30683. A copy of this ordinance is on file with the Winterville City Clerk and the Clerk of Superior Court of Athens-Clarke County for purposes of examination and inspection by the public. A copy of the proposed amendment is available upon written request to the Winterville City Clerk, Wendy Bond, 125 N. Church Street, P.O. Box 306, Winterville, GA 30683.
Mayor Ferrelle opened the public hearing at 6:00 pm. No public signed up to speak, therefore, he closed the meeting at 6:02 pm.
Public Hearing #2 – Code Amendment – Special Use: Composting
The Mayor and City Council will hold a public hearing on December 10, 2024 at 6:00 pm at
Winterville City Hall at 125 North Church Street, Winterville, Georgia 30683 to consider revisions to the zoning ordinances of the City of Winterville, Georgia to allow Composting as a Special Use in Rural Residential and Residential Single-Family zoning districts. All those having an interest in said ordinance should be present.
Mayor Ferrelle opened the Public Hearing at 6:02 pm. No public signed up to speak. He closed the hearing at 6:03 pm.
The Mayor and City Council held their regular City Council meeting on Tuesday December 12, 2024 at 6:00 pm at Winterville City Hall.
Mayor Dodd Ferrelle, Bruce Johnson, Melissa Metzger, Municipal Clerk Wendy Bond and City Attorney David Ellison. Jonathan Mosley was unable to attend.
Mayor Ferrelle called the meeting to order at 6:04 pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Approval of Minutes:
Councilperson Metzger moved to approve the minutes of November 12, 2024. The motion was
seconded by Councilperson Johnson and approved unanimously.
Unfinished Business: None.
New Business:
The First Item of New Business: Charter Amendment Alcohol by the Drink (2nd Vote).
Councilperson Metzger moved to adopt the charter amendment as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Johnson and adopted unanimously.
The Second Item of New Business: Code Amendment (Special Use: Composting).
Councilperson Johnson moved to approve the Code Amendment for Special Use: Composting as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Metzger and approved unanimously.
The Third Item of New Business: City Hall Renovation. Councilperson Johnson moved to
approve up to $151,000, (combination of TSPLOST, SPLOST 2020 and General Funds) for the restroom addition and renovations to city hall. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Metzger and approved unanimously.
The Fourth Item of New Business: Retreat Notes/POAB for Police Officers. Councilperson
Johnson moved to approve contribute $10/per week to the Police Officer’s Annuity & Benefit (POAB) fund on behalf of city employed police officers. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Metzger and approved unanimously.
The Fifth Items of New Business: Main Street Garage, New Ownership. No action was taken.
P&Z will review, The Sixth Item of New Business: NEGRC Retreat. No action was taken.
The Seventh Item of New Business: WCC Gallery Request. Councilperson Johnson moved to deny a prior request for the gallery. Councilperson Metzger seconded the motion and was unanimously denied.
The Eighth Item of New Business: Mower Bid Opening. Mayor Ferrell open the sealed bids
submitted for the 2 surplus mowers. The winning bid was awarded to David Kirby for a total of $1,118,00.
The Ninth Item of New Business: Fox Gives Grant Award Announcement. – Mayor Ferrell
announced the city has received the third and final grant from the Fox Theatre Gives program of $58,000.00. No action necessary or taken.
Committee Reports:
Public Finance (Johnson & Mosley) Clerk Bond has provided financial statements through November 30, 2024. These are available for public review upon request.
Public Safety (Metzger & Mosley) Councilperson Metzger gave a verbal report.
Fire Department – Chief Michael Gabriel submitted a call report.
Police Department – No report.
Public Works (Johnson) – Councilperson Johnson gave a brief report.
Communications Committee (Metzger) – No report.
Winterville Cultural Center –No report.
Dr. Museum Report – Jonathan Scott gave a verbal report.
Marigold Market – Sarah Hovater submitted a written report.
Library Report –No report.
Clerk’s Report – No report.
City Attorney’s Report – No report.
Mayor’s Report – No report.
Firefly Local Action Committee – No report.
Public Comment – No report.
Councilperson Metzger moved to adjourn at 6:27 pm. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Johnson.
Wendy L. Bond, Municipal Clerk