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Minutes from February 13, 2024 City Council Meeting


The Mayor and City Council held the regular City Council meeting on Tuesday February 13, 2024 at 6:00 pm at Winterville City Hall.


Mayor Ferrelle called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.  Also present were Melissa Metzger, Jonathan Mosley, Tina Mills, Bruce Johnson, Municipal Clerk Wendy Bond and City Attorney David Ellison.


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Approval of Minutes:


Councilperson Mosley moved to approve the minutes of January 9, 2024. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Johnson and approved unanimously.


Unfinished Business: Councilperson Metzger moved to raise the annual funding of the library from $18,000 to $25,000. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Johnson and approved unanimously.


New Business:

The First Item of New Business. Twilight Gambler Run. Councilperson Johnson moved to approve the Gambler ride through and a SAG stop in Winterville. He presented the city with a hold harmless letter.

The motion was seconded by Councilperson Metzger and approved unanimously. The Second Item of New Business: Mayor’s Reading Club Proclamation. Mayor Ferrelle read aloud the Mayor’s Reading Club Proclamation. Councilperson Mosley moved to adopt the proclamation as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Johnson and approved unanimously.


The Third Item of New Business. Parkview Crosswalk Project. A public hearing will be scheduled and advertised to adopt the updated zoning procedures of the Winterville Code at the March 5, 2024 6:00 pm workshop meeting and to be voted on at the March 12, 2024 Council meeting.


The Fourth Item of New Business. JDA Amendment. Councilperson Metzger moved to approve and adopt the Joint Development amendment as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Johnson and approved.


The Fifth & Sixth Items of New Business: Parkview Crosswalk, Robert Hardeman-Dozier Intersection Project. There will be a public input meeting to review plans for the Parkview crosswalk and the Robert Hardeman/Main Street/Dozier intersection. W&A, Engineering will have plans and be available for questions and answers on the projects. The meeting will be February 22, 2024 at 6:00 pm in the Depot.


The Seventh Item of New Business. Bobcat Engine. Councilperson Johnson moved to up to $4,800 of general funds to replace the engine in the Bobcat side-by-side. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Mills and approved unanimously.


The Eighth Item of New Business: Sexual Abuse and Misconduct Prevention Policy. Councilperson Mosley moved to adopt the Sexual Abuse and Misconduct Prevention Policy as presented. Councilperson Johnson seconded the motion and approved unanimously.


The Ninth Item of New Business: Tree Commission Application. Councilperson Mills moved to approve Caroline Riggins as a new member to the Tree Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilperson Metzger and approved unanimously.


The Tenth Item of New Business: Business License Approvals. Councilperson Metzger moved to approve two business licenses as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Barnes & Koonce, LLC is a home occupation business and Chivugan Café and More will be a new restaurant in Five Points.


Committee Reports:


Public Finance (Johnson & Mosley)Councilperson Johnson reported Clerk Bond has provided financial statements through January 31, 2024. The statements are available for review by the public upon request.


Public Safety (Metzger & Mosley)Fire Department – Chief Michael Gabriel submitted a call report.


Public Works (Johnson & Mills)

Tom Doonan gave a brief report on the Cultural Center project.


Communications Committee (Metzger & Mills)

No report.


Winterville Cultural Center –Diana Hartle gave the Center’s report.


Dr. Museum Report – Jonathan Scott gave a report.


Marigold Market – Councilperson Johnson gave a report on the Marigold Collective.


Library Report – Deirdre Murray gave a report. Tom Doonan gave an update on the library renovation project. Ninety percent of the work to be completed will be paid for by the Regional Library System.


Clerk’s Report – No report.


City Attorney’s Report – No report.


Mayor’s Report – Mayor Ferrelle gave a brief report.


Firefly Local Action Committee – No report.


Public Comment – Melanie Miller, a candidate for the House of Representatives, Senate District 124, came before Mayor and Council to introduce herself to Winterville.


Mayor Ferrelle closed the meeting at 6:48 pm.



Wendy L. Bond                                                 02/13/2024


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